Lindemann Lab
Der Forschungsschwerpunkt der Arbeitsgruppe, die von Frau Prof. Dr. med. Monika Lindemann geleitet wird, liegt in der Charakterisierung zellulärer Immunität bei Patienten mit angeborener und erworbener Immundefizienz, insbesondere bei Transplantat-Empfängern. Dazu wurden seit 1996 extrem sensitive Nachweisverfahren etabliert. Besondere Expertise besteht in der Durchführung des ELISpot, mit dessen Hilfe auf dem Niveau einzelner Zellklone Zytokinproduktion gemessen werden kann. Ferner wurde die radioaktive Proliferationsmessung mittels H3-Thymidin-Aufnahme (Lymphozytentransformationstest, LTT) so optimiert, dass beispielsweise einen Monat nach Blutstammzell-Transplantation zelluläre Immunreaktionen bei einigen Empfängern schon wieder detektierbar sind.
Prof. Dr. med.
Monika Lindemann
Kommissarische Leiterin
Transplantationsdiagnostik und FuE
Aktuelle Projekte
- Charakterisierung der zellulären SARS-CoV-2-Immunität nach Impfung und Infektion, vor allem bei Transplantat-Empfängern
- Definition einer zellulären CMV-Immunität, die nach Organ- bzw. Blutstammzelltransplantation protektiv gegen eine CMV-Reaktivierung ist (u.a. multizentrische CMValue und Alloprotect CMV Studie)
- In-vitro Nachweis von anti-mikrobiellen zellulären Reaktionen (insbesondere gegen M. tuberculosis, M. abscessus, Pneumokokken, Hepatitis B-, Epstein-Barr- und Influenza-Virus) mittels ELISpot
- Immunkompetenz bei Einwirkung ionisierender Strahlung
- Immuntransfer durch Transplatation (A-III, KFO117)
- Immunrekonstitution nach hämatopoietischer Stammzell-Transplantation
- Nachweis von prädiktiven Markern für Abstoßungsreaktionen bei Transplantat-Spendern und -Empfängern
Die Arbeitsgruppe von Frau Prof. Lindemann beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit wissenschaftlichen sondern auch mit klinisch-diagnostischen Fragestellungen, vor allem im Bereich der Transplantationsimmunologie und der Immundefektdiagnostik. Weitere Informationen zu den Zellfunktionslaboren (Diagnostik) finden Sie hier:
Gabriela Graf (MLC-Labor)
Bärbel Nyadu (FCM-Labor)
Birgit Thiam (HLA-Labor)
Jessica Wunderling (MLC-Labor)
Stud. Hilfskraft
Marina Güttler
Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden
Cand. med. Beate Marenbach
Thema: Zelluläre in vitro Immunität nach selektiver interner Radiotherapie
Cand. med. Sophia Dachmann
(gemeinsam mit Herrn PD Dr. Steindor/Kinderklinik)
Thema: Detektion einer Myocobacterium abscessus-Infektion mittels Interferon-gamma-Release-Assay bei Patienten mit zystischer Fibrose
Cand. med. Thea Wojtakowski
(gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Sondermann/Hautklinik und Herrn Prof. Witzke/Infektiologie)
Thema: Long-term cellular immune response in psoriasis patients after pneumococcal vaccination
Cand. med. Ferdinand Siepmann genannt Beckmann
Thema: Wie beeinflusst die Radionuklidtherapie bei malignen Lebertumoren die Lymphozytenfunktion?
Cand. med. Jan Wosing
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Witzke/Infektiologie)
Thema: Pneumokokken-Immunität bei Nierentransplantat-Empfängern nach sequenzieller Impfung mit einem Konjugat- und einem Polysaccharid-Impfstoff
Cand. med. Marina Zaslavskaya
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Witzke/Nephrologie)
Thema: Hepatitis B-Immunität bei niereninsuffizienten Patienten nach Vakzination mit Fendrix
Ehemalige Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden
M. Sc. Laura Thümmler
(gemeinsam mit Herrn PD Dr. Krawczyk/Infektiologie)
Thema: SARS-CoV-2: Immunantwort und antivirale Behandlung (26.06.2024)
Dr. med. Lina Domouchtsidou
Thema: Immunocompetence in patients with hepatic tumors after selective internal radiotherapy (08.12.2020)
Dr. med. Simon Oesterreich, geb. Heckel
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Witzke/Infektiologie)
Thema: Pneumokokken-Immunität bei nierentransplantierten Patienten nach Vakzination mit Prevenar 13 (20.10.2020)
Dr. med. Christian Hüben
Thema: Immunkompetenz bei Einwirkung ionisierender Strahlen im Rahmen der Yttrium-90 DOTATOC Therapie (26.04.2019)
Dr. med. Smaranda Gliga
(gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Fiedler/Virologie)
Thema: Analyse der zellulären CMV-spezifischen Immunantwort bei Patienten nach Nierentransplantation/Lebertransplantation (08.02.2019)
Dr. med. Judith Könemann
Thema: IL-17 ELISpot zur Prädiktion einer Rejektion nach Nierentransplantation? (02.08.2018)
Dr. med. Youness Dioury
Thema: Tuberkulose-Immunität bei immunsupprimierten Patienten (Patienten vor Lebertransplantation und mit rheumatoider Arthritis unter TNF-alpha Therapie) (22.05.2017)
Dr. rer. nat. Stefanie Luckau, geb. Haller
Thema: Etablierung eines Herstellungsprozesses für die ex vivo Expansion autologer HPV-spezifischer Lymphozyten unter GMP-Bedingungen (11.09.2015)
Dr. rer. nat. Tina Danielzik
Thema: Wilms Tumor 1 als Zielstruktur einer zellulären Immuntherapie bei akuter myeloischer Leukämie (29.05.2015)
Dr. med. Charlotte Ludwig
Thema: Zelluläre Hepatitis B-Immunität nach Impfung bei „Non-Respondern“ (07.10.2014)
Dr. rer. nat. Alexandra Schumann
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Roggendorf/Virologie)
Thema: Hepatitis B virus specific adoptive immune transfer in living liver donation and characterization of a prophylactic/therapeutic vaccine against Hepadnaviral infection (13.08.2014)
Dr. med. Franziska Parnitzke
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Witzke/Nephrologie)
Thema: Influenza-spezifische T-Zell-Antwort bei Patienten nach Nierentransplantation mit und ohne Influenza-Impfung (20.03.2014)
Dr. med. Emmanuel Liapakis
Thema: EBV-Immunität bei Kindern nach Lebertransplantation (21.12.2011)
Dr. med. Anna Katharina Philine Belger
Thema: Immunrekonstitution bei Knochenmark- vs. peripherer Blutstammzell-Transplantation im Langzeitverlauf (17.12.2009)
Dr. med. Christian Saure
Thema: In-vitro Alloreaktionen vor und nach Transplantation von Leber oder Niere (05.12.2008)
Dr. med. Holger Klinkenbusch
Thema: Granzym B und Interferon-gamma als Abstoßungsparameter bei Lebend-Leber- und Nieren-Transplantation (01.12.2008)
Cand. med. Frank Rietschel
Thema: Nachweis einer Chromat-Sensibilisierung mittels ELISpot († 04.10.2008)
Dr. med. Jörg Böhmer
Thema: ELISpot – Validierung einer neuen in-vitro Nachweismethode für Nickelsensibilisierung (09.11.2004)
MUDr., PhD Michal Sapak
(gemeinsam mit Herrn Prof. Buc, Bratislava)
Thema: Monitoring der zytotoxischen Aktivität von NK-Zellen und Rekonstitution der Blutbildung nach allogener hämatopoietischer Stammzell-Transplantation und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung einer Transplantat-gegen-Wirt Krankheit (GvHD) (20.10.2004)
Prof. Dr. med. Vahé Barsegian
Thema: Transfer von zellulärer und humoraler HBV-Immunität mittels allogener Stammzelltransplantation (2004)
Stammkötter C, Thümmler L, Korth J, Marenbach B, Braß P, Horn PA, Lindemann M, Dittmer U, Witzke O, Rohn H, Krawczyk A (2024): Frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infections among healthcare workers three years after the onset of the pandemic. Infect Dis Rep 16, 615–627. doi: 10.3390/idr16040047. |
Cherneha M, Zydek I, Braß P, Korth J, Jansen S, Esser S, Karsten CB, Dittmer U, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Witzke O, Laura Thümmler L, Krawczyk A (2024): Immunogenicity of the Monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5-Adapted 2 BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccine in People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). Vaccines 12, 785. doi: 10.3390/vaccines12070785. |
Muhtadi R, Bernhardt D, Multhoff G, Hönikl L, Combs SE, Krieg SM, Gempt J, Meyer B, Barsegian V, Lindemann M, Kasper M, Stewart S, Port M, Abend M, Diehl CD*, Ostheim P* (2024): Liquid biopsy in whole blood for identification of gene expression patterns (mRNA and miRNA) associated with recurrence of Glioblastoma WHO °IV. *Equal contribution. Cancers 2024, 16, 2345. |
Ziemann M, Lindemann M, Hallensleben M, Altermann W, Althaus K, Budde K, Eisenberger U, Ender A, Feldkamp T, Grahammer F, Guthoff M, Holzmann-Littig C, Hugo C, Kauke T, Koch M, Kreuzer L, Lachmann N, Marget M, Nitschke M, Quick C, Renders L, Scherer S, Schwenger V, Sommer F, Spriewald B, Zecher D, Heinemann FM, Verboom M (2024): Risk stratification prior to living donor kidney transplantation in patients with preformed donor-specific antibodies by different crossmatch methods. Transplantation Direct 10(9), e1680, eCollection 2024 Sep. |
Helmer L*, van de Sand L*, Wojtakowski T, Otte M, Witzke O, Sondermann W, Krawczyk A, Lindemann M (2024): Antibody responses after sequential vaccination with PCV13 and PPSV23 in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis under immunosuppressive therapy. *Equal contribution. mBIO 0:e00482-24. |
Thümmler L, Beckmann N, Sehl C, Soddemann M, Braß P, Bormann M, Brochhagen L, Elsner C, Hoertel N, Cougoule C, Ciesek S, Widera M, Dittmer U, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Witzke O, Kadow S, Kamler M, Gulbins E, Becker KA, Krawczyk A (2024): Fluoxetine and sertraline potently neutralize the replication of distinct SARS-CoV-2 variants. Viruses 16, 545. |
Barsegian V, Möckel D, Buehler S, Müller SP, Ostheim P, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2024): Lymphocyte function at baseline could be a new predictor of tumor burden following six cycles of radium-223 therapy in patients with metastasized, castration resistant prostate cancer. Cancers 16, 886. |
Sammet S, Koldehoff M, Schenk-Westkamp P, Horn PA, Esser S, Lindemann M (2024): T cell responses against orthopoxviruses in HIV-positive patients. Vaccines 12, 131. doi: 10.3390/vaccines12020131. |
Xu S, Dolff S, Mülling N, Bachmann HS, Dai Y, Lindemann M, Sun M, Witzke O, Kribben A, Benjamin Wilde B (2024): Farnesyltransferase-inhibitors exert in vitro immunosuppressive capacity by inhibiting human B-cells. Front Transplant 2, 1233322. doi: 10.3389/frtra.2023.1233322. |
Gwenllian A, Appeltrath J, Lindemann M, Klump H, Karsten CB (2024): An Efficient ELISA Protocol for Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific IgG in Human Plasma and Serum Samples. MethodsX 12, 102596. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2024.102596. |
Kansy B, Wehrs TP, Bruderek K, Funk S, Ludwig S, Dröge F, Hasskamp P, Frahm U, Dominas N, Hoffmann TK, Horn PA, Schuler M, Gauler TC, Lindemann M, Lang S, Bankfalvi A, Brandau S (2023): HPV-associated head and neck cancer is characterized by distinct profiles of CD8+ T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2023, 72(12), 4367-4383. doi: 10.1007/s00262-023-03571-8. |
Domouchtsidou A, Beckmann F, Marenbach B, Mueller SP, Best J, Herrmann K, Horn PA, Barsegian V, Lindemann M (2023): In patients treated by selective internal radiotherapy, cellular in vitro immune function is predictive of survival. Cancers 15(16), 4055. doi: 10.3390/cancers15164055. |
Bormann M, Brochhagen L, Alt M, Otte M, Thümmler L, van de Sand L, Kraiselburd I, Thomas A, Gosch J, Braß P, Dolff S, Dittmer U, Witzke O, Meyer Fr, Lindemann M, Schönfeld A, Rohn H (2023): Immune responses in COVID-19 patients during breakthrough infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants Delta, Omicron-BA.1 and Omicron-BA.5. Front Immunol 14, 1150667. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1150667. |
Mülling N*, van de Sand L*, Völk K, Aufderhorst UW, van der Linden M, Horn PA, Kribben A, Wilde B, Krawczyk A, Witzke O*, Lindemann M* (2023): Antibody responses after sequential vaccination with PCV13 and PPSV23 in kidney transplant recipients. *Equal contribution. Infection 51(6), 1703-1716. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023-02054-3. |
Koldehoff M, Eiz-Vesper B, Maecker-Kolhoff B, Steckel NK, Dittmer U, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2023): Long-term follow-up after adoptive transfer of BK virus-specific T cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Vaccines 11, 845. |
Offergeld R, Preußel K, Zeiler T, Aurich K, Baumann-Baretti BI, Ciesek S, Corman V, Dienst V, Drosten C, Görg S, Greinacher A, Grossegesse M, Haller S, Heuft HG, Hofmann N, Horn PA, Houareau C, Ilay G, Jiménez-Klingberg CL, Juhl D, Lindemann M, Martin S, Neuhauser H, Nitsche A, Ohme J, Peine S, Sachs UJ, Schaade L, Schäfer R, Scheiblauer H, Schlaud M, Schmidt M, Umhau M, Vollmer T, Wagner F, Wieler LH, Wilking H, Ziemann M, Zimmermann M, an der Heiden M (2023): Monitoring the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Prevalence of antibodies in a large, repetitive cross-sectional study of blood donors in Germany – results from the SeBluCo study 2020-2022. Pathogens 12, 551. |
Thümmler L, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Lenz V, Konik M, Gäckler A, Boss K, Theodoropoulos F, Besa V, Taube C, Brenner T, Witzke O, Krawczyk A, Rohn H (2023): Early treatment with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma reduces mortality in non-vaccinated COVID-19 high-risk patients. Viruses 15, 119. doi: 10.3390/v15010119. |
Thümmler L, Konik M, Lindemann M, Fisenkci N, Koldehoff M, Gäckler A, Horn PA, Theodoropoulos F, Taube C, Zettler M, Anastasiou OE, Brass P, Jansen S, Witzke O, Rohn H, Krawczyk A (2022): Long-term cellular immune response in immunocompromised unvaccinated COVID-19 patients undergoing monoclonal antibody treatment. Front Immunol 13, 980698. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.980698. |
Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Keles D, Witzke O, Kribben A, Baba HA, Becker JU, Heinold A, Horn PA, Eisenberger U (2022): Cumulative mean fluorescent intensities of Human Leucocyte Antigen specific antibodies predict antibody mediated rejections after kidney transplantation. HLA 100, 553–562. doi: 10.1111/tan.14790. |
Thümmler L, Gäckler A, Bormann M, Ciesek S, Widera M, Fisenkci N, Otte M, Dittmer U, Horn PA, Witzke O, Krawczyk A*, Lindemann M* (2022): Cellular and humoral immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants is detectable but reduced in vaccinated kidney transplant recipients. *Equal contribution. Vaccines 10(8), 1348. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10081348. |
Ciuciulkaite I, Möhlendick B, Thümmler L, Fisenkci N, Elsner C, Dittmer U, Siffert W, Lindemann M (2022): GNB3 c.825C>T polymorphism influences T-cell but not antibody response following vaccination with mRNA-1273 vaccine. Front Genet 13, 932043. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.932043. |
Möhlendick B, Schönfelder K, Zacher C, Elsner C, Rohn H, Konik MJ, Thümmler L, Rebmann V, Lindemann M, Jöckel KH, Siffert W (2022): The GNB3 c.825C>T (rs5443) polymorphism and protection against fatal outcome of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Front Genet 13, 932043. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.932043. |
Wünsch K, Anastasiou OE, Alt M, Brochhagen L, Cherneha M, Thümmler L, van Baal L, Madel RJ, Lindemann M, Taube C, Witzke O, Rohn H, Krawczyk A, Jansen S (2022): COVID-19 in elderly, immunocompromised or diabetic patients – from immune monitoring to clinical management in the hospital. Viruses 14(4), 746. doi: 10.3390/v14040746. |
Thümmler L, Koldehoff M, Fisenkci N, Brochhagen L, Horn PA, Krawczyk A, Lindemann M (2022): Cellular and humoral immunity after the third vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Vaccines 10(6), 972. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10060972. |
Lindemann M, Baumann C, Wilde B, Gäckler A, Meller L, Horn PA, Krawczyk A, Witzke O (2022): Prospective, longitudinal study on specific cellular immune responses after vaccination with an adjuvanted, recombinant zoster vaccine in kidney transplant recipients. Vaccines 10(6), 844. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10060844. |
Koldehoff M, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2022): Cellular immune response after vaccination with an adjuvanted, recombinant zoster vaccine in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Vaccines 10(5), 809. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10050809. |
Arnold ML, Heinemann FM, Oesterreich S, Wilde B, Gäckler A, Goldblatt D, Spriewald BM, Horn PA, Witzke O, Lindemann M (2022): Correlation of Fc receptor polymorphisms with pneumococcal antibodies in vaccinated kidney transplant recipients. Vaccines 10(5), 725. doi: 10.3390/vaccines1005072510. |
Arnold ML, Steffen U, Wiesener M, Bach C, Spriewald BM, Lindemann M (2022): Correlation of anti-HLA IgA alloantibodies and Fc receptor motives with kidney allograft survival. Immuno 2, 372-386. doi: 10.3390/immuno2020023. |
Ma X, Dai Y, Witzke O, Shilei X, Lindemann M, Kribben A, Dolff S, Wilde B (2022): Chloroquine suppresses effector B-cell functions and has differential impact on regulatory B-cell subsets. Front Immunol 2022 Feb 08;13:818704. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.818704. |
Gäckler A, Mülling N, Völk K, Wilde B, Eisenberger U, Rohn H, Horn PA, Witzke O*, Lindemann M* (2021): Establishment of an ELISpot assay to detect cellular immunity against S. pneumoniae in vaccinated kidney transplant recipients. *Equal contribution. Vaccines 2021, 9(12):1438. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9121438. |
Konik M, Lindemann M, Zettler M, Meller L, Dolff S, Rebmann V, Horn PA, Dittmer U, Krawczyk A, Schipper L, Trilling M, Anastasiou OE, Schwarzkopf S, Thümmler L, Taube C, Schöbel C, Brenner T, Skoda E, Wilde B, Gaeckler A, Witzke O, Rohn H (2021): Long-term SARS-CoV-2 specific immunity is affected by the severity of initial COVID-19 and patient age. J Clin Med 2021 Oct 8;10(19):4606. doi: 10.3390/jcm10194606. |
Pompsch M, Fisenkci N, Horn PA, Kraemer M*, Lindemann M* (2021): Evidence of extensive cellular immune response after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in ocrelizumab-treated patients with multiple sclerosis. *Equal contribution. Neurol Res Pract 2021 Nov 22;3(1):60. doi: 10.1186/s42466-021-00158-5. |
Lindemann M, Klisanin V, Thümmler L, Fisenkci N, Tsachakis-Mück N, Ditschkowski M, Schwarzkopf S, Klump H, Reinhardt HC, Horn PA, Koldehoff M (2021): Humoral and cellular vaccination responses against SARS-CoV-2 in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Vaccines 2021 Sep 25;9(10):1075. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9101075. |
Lindemann M, Wilde B, Friebus-Kardash J, Gäckler A, Dittmer U, Horn PA, Kribben A, Mülling N*, Eisenberger U* (2021): Comparison of humoral and cellular CMV immunity in patients awaiting kidney transplantation. *Equal contribution. Diagnostics 2021 Sep 16;11(9):1688. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11091688. |
Thümmler L, Schwarzkopf S, Knop D, Ross JA, Berg V, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2021): Comparison of SARS-CoV-2- and HCoV-specific T cell response using IFN-γ ELISpot. Diagnostics 2021 Aug 10;11(8):1439. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11081439. |
Steindor M, Stehling F, Olivier M, Kehrmann J, Diricks M, Maurer FP, Horn PA, Straßburg S, Welsner M, Sutharsan S, Lindemann M (2021): Species-specific interferon-gamma release assay for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium abscessus complex infection. Front Microbiol 2021 Jul 12;12:692395. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.692395. |
Budeus B, Kibler A, Brauser M, Homp E, Bronischewski K, Ross JA, Görgens A, Weniger MA, Dunst J, Kreslavsky T, Vitoriano da Conceição Castro S, Murke F, Oakes CC, Rusch P, Andrikos D, Kern P, Köninger A, Lindemann M, Johansson P, Hansen W, Lundell AC, Rudin A, Dürig J, Giebel B, Hoffmann D, Küppers R, Seifert M (2021): Human cord blood B cells differ from the adult counterpart by conserved Ig repertoires and accelerated response dynamics. J Immunol 2021 Jun 11; ji2100113. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2100113. |
Kibler A, Budeus B, Homp E, Bronischewski K, Berg V, Sellmann L, Murke F, Heinold A, Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Bekeredjian-Ding I, Horn PA, Kirschning C, Küppers R, Seifert M: Systematic memory B cell archiving and random display shape the human splenic marginal zone throughout life. J Exp Med. 2021 Apr 5; 218(4): e20201952. doi: 10.1084/jem.20201952. |
Lindemann M, Krawczyk A, Dolff S, Konik M, Rohn H, Platte M, Thuemmler L, Schwarzkopf S, Schipper L, Bormann M, van de Sand L, Breyer M, Klump H, Knop D, Lenz V, Temme C, Dittmer U, Horn PA, Witzke O: SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral and cellular immunity in two renal transplant and two haemodialysis patients treated with convalescent plasma. J Med. Virol. 2021 May;93(5):3047-3054. doi: 10.1002/jmv.26840. |
Subburayalu J, Dolff S, Xu S, Sun M, Lindemann M, Heinold A, Heinemann FM, Cohen Tervaert JW, Eisenberger U, Korth J, Brinkhoff A, Kribben A, Witzke O, Wilde B. Characterization of follicular T helper cells and donor-specific T helper cells in renal transplant patients with de novo donor-specific HLA-antibodies. Clin Immunol. 2021 May;226:108698. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2021.108698. |
Gliga S, Fiedler M, Dornieden T, Achterfeld A, Paul A, Horn PA, Herzer K, Lindemann M: Comparison of three cellular assays to predict the course of CMV infection in liver transplant recipients. Vaccines (Basel). 2021 Jan; 9(2): 88. doi: |
Lindemann M, Lenz V, Knop D, Klump H, Alt M, Aufderhorst UW, Schipper L, Schwarzkopf S, Meller L, Steckel N, Koldehoff M, Heinold A, Heinemann FM, Fischer J, Hutschenreuter G, Knabbe C, Dolff S, Brenner T, Dittmer U, Witzke O, Herbstreit F, Horn PA, Krawczyk A: Convalescent plasma treatment of critically ill intensive care COVID-19 patients. Transfusion 2021 May;61(5):1394-1403. doi: 10.1111/trf.16392. |
Schwarzkopf S, Krawczyk A, Knop D, Klump H, Heinold A, Heinemann FM, Thümmler L, Temme C, Breyer M, Witzke O, Dittmer U, Lenz V, Horn PA, Lindemann M. Cellular Immunity in COVID-19 Convalescents with PCR-Confirmed Infection but with Undetectable SARS-CoV-2-Specific IgG. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021 Jan; 27(1). doi: 10.3201/2701.203772. |
Wagner-Drouet E, Teschner D, Wolschke, C, Schäfer-Eckart K, Gärtner J, Mielke S, Schreder M, Kobbe G, Hilgendorf I, Klein S, Verbeek M, Ditschkowski, M, Koch M, Lindemann M, Schmidt T, Rascle A, Barabas S, Deml L, Wagner R, Wolff D. Comparison of Cytomegalovirus-Specific Immune Cell Response to Proteins versus Peptides Using an IFN-γ ELISpot Assay after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Diagnostics. 2021 Feb 15; 11(2): 312. |
Wagner-Drouet E, Teschner D, Wolschke C, Janson D, Schäfer-Eckart K Gärtner J, Mielke S, Schreder M, Kobbe G, Kondakci M, Hilgendorf I, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Klein S, Heidenreich D, Kreil S, Verbeek M, Graß S, Ditschkowski M, Gromke T, Koch M, Hünig T, Lindemann M, Schmidt T, Rascle A, Guldan H, Barabas S, Deml L, Wagner R, Wolff D: Standardized monitoring of CMV-specific immunity can improve risk stratification of recurrent CMV reactivation after HSCT. Haematologica. 2021 Feb 1; 106(2): 363-374. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2019.229252. |
Lindemann M, Krawczyk A, Dolff S, Konik M, Rohn H, Platte M, Thuemmler L, Schwarzkopf S, Schipper L, Bormann M, van de Sand L, Breyer M, Klump H, Knop D, Lenz V, Temme C, Dittmer U, Horn PA, Witzke O. SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral and cellular immunity in renal transplant and haemodialysis patients treated with convalescent plasma. |
Korth J, Wilde B, Dolff S, Anastasiou OE, Krawczyk A, Jahn M, Cordes S, Ross B, Esser S, Lindemann M, Kribben A, Dittmer U, Witzke O, Herrmann A. SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detection in healthcare workers in Germany with direct contact to COVID-19 patients. J Clin Virol. 2020 May 13:104437. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2020.104437. |
Oesterreich S, Lindemann M, Goldblatt D, Horn PA, Wilde B, Witzke O. Humoral Response to a 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Vaccine. 2020 Apr 9;38(17):3339-3350. |
Grutza R, Moskorz W, Senff T, Bäcker E, Lindemann M, Zimmermann A, Uhrberg M, Lang PA, Timm J, Cosmovici C. NKG2Cpos NK Cells Regulate the Expansion of Cytomegalovirus-Specific CD8 T Cells. J Immunol. 2020 Jun 1; 204(11):2919-2917. pii: ji1901281. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1901281. |
Kordelas L, Schwich E, Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Buttkereit U, Horn PA, Beelen DW, Rebmann V. Decreased soluble human leukocyte antigen E Levels in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are associated with severe acute and extended chronic graft-versus-host disease and inferior overall survival. Front Immunol. 2020 Jan 10;10:3027. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03027. eCollection. |
Malewicz NM, Walstein K, Heine T, Engler A, Bick A, Cox L, Dötsch A, Westendorf AM, Horn PA, Lindemann M, Peters J, Schäfer ST (2019): Early suppression of peripheral mononuclear blood cells in sepsis in response to stimulation with cytomegalovirus antigen, OKT3, and pokeweed mitogen. J Appl Physiol 127, 1539-1547. |
Bessa V, Sun M, Meier M, Ye Z, Xu S, Dolff S, Sommerwerck U, Korth J, Taube C, Aigner C, Kamler M, Kribben A, Lindemann M, Witzke O, Wilde B (2019): Expression pattern of co-inhibitory molecules on CMV-specific T-cells in lung transplant patients. Clin Immunol 208: 108258. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2019. |
Lindemann M, Oesterreich S, Wilde B, Eisenberger U, Muelling N, Horn PA, Heinemann FM, Witzke O (2019): Sex-specific differences in HLA antibodies after pneumococcal vaccination in kidney transplant recipients. Vaccines Aug 6; 7(3). pii: E84. |
Dornieden T, Wilde B, Korth J, Horn PA, Witzke O, Lindemann M (2019): Enhancement of cytomegalovirus-specific cytokine production after modulation of the co-stimulation in kidney transplanted patients. J Immunol Res Feb 25; 2019: 3926175. eCollection. |
Domouchtsidou A, Barsegian V, Mueller SP, Lobachevsky P, Best J, Horn PA, Bockisch A, Lindemann M (2019): DNA lesions correlate with lymphocyte function after selective internal radiotherapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother 68(6), 907-915. |
Roggendorf H, Krawczyk A, Lindemann M, Shouval D, Roggendorf M, Gerken GG (2019): Induction of functional control in chronic hepatitis B patients with low level HBsAg using a combination of a PreS1/S2/S HBV vaccine and a nucleoside analogue. J Infect Dis Ther 7(1), 390. |
Lindemann M, Korth J, Sun M, Xu S, Struwe C, Werner K, Dornieden T, Horn PA, Witzke O, Wilde B (2018): The cytomegalovirus-specific IL-21 ELISpot correlates with allograft function of kidney transplant recipients. Int J Mol Sci. Dec 8;19(12). pii: E3945. |
Thoens C*, Heinold A*, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Scherbaum N, Timm J, Heinemann FM (2018): A single nucleotide polymorphism upstream of the HLA-C locus is associated with an anti-HCV seronegative state in a high-risk exposed cohort. *equal contribution. J Infect Dis Aug 218(12), 2016-2019. |
Gliga S, Korth J, Krawczyk J, Wilde B, Horn PA, Witzke O, Lindemann M*, Fiedler M* (2018): T-Track-CMV and QuantiFERON-CMV assays for prediction of protection from CMV reactivation in kidney transplant recipients. *equal contribution. J Clin Virol 105, 91-96. |
Lindemann M, Eiz-Vesper B, Steckel NK, Tischer S, Fiedler M, Heinold A, Klisanin V, Maecker-Kolhoff B, Blasczyk R, Horn PA, Beelen DW, Koldehoff M (2018): Adoptive transfer of cellular immunity against cytomegalovirus by virus-specific lymphocytes from a third party family donor. Bone Marrow Transplant 53(10), 1351-1355. doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0209-2. |
Buechter M, Manka P, Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Baba HA, Schlattjan M, Canbay A, Gerken G, Kahraman A (2018): Potential triggering factors of acute liver failure as a first manifestation of autoimmune hepatitis-a single center experience of 52 adult patients. World J Gastroenterol 24, 1410-1418. |
Domouchtsidou A, Barsegian V, Mueller SP, Best J, Ertle J, Bedreli S, Horn PA, Bockisch A, Lindemann M (2018): Impaired lymphocyte function in patients with hepatic malignancies after selective internal radiotherapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother 67, 843-853. |
Kordelas L, da Silva Nardi F, Wagner B, Ditschkowski M, Liebregts T, Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Horn PA, Beelen DW, Rebmann V (2018): Elevated soluble Human Leukocyte Antigen G levels in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation are associated with less severe acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease. Bone Marrow Transplant 53(9), 1149-1156. |
Banas B, Steubl D, Renders L, Chittka D, Banas MC, Wekerle T, Koch M, Witzke O, Mühlfeld A, Sommerer C, Habicht A, Hugo C, Hünig T, Lindemann M, Schmidt T, Rascle A, Barabas S, Deml L, Wagner R, Krämer BK, Krüger B (2018): Clinical validation of T-Track® CMV to monitor CMV-specific cell-mediated immunity in kidney transplant recipients. Transpl Int 31, 436-450. |
Koldehoff M, Lindemann M, Ross SR, Elmaagacli AH (2018): Cytomegalovirus induces HLA-class-II-restricted alloreactivity in an acute myeloid leukemia cell line. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191482. |
Danielzik T, Koldehoff M, Buttkereit U, Beelen DW, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2018): Sensitive detection of rare antigen specific T cells directed against Wilms’ tumor 1 by FluoroSpot assay. Leukemia & Lymphoma 59(2), 490-492. |
Lindemann M, Lenz V, Nyadu B, Heinemann FM, Heinold A, Guberina H, Eisenberger U, Lachmann N, Schönemann C, Kribben A, Paul A, Horn PA, Witzke O (2018): Effect of ABO incompatibility on T cell flow cytometry crossmatch results prior to living donor kidney transplantation. Cytometry B Clin Cytom 94(4), 623-630. |
Kordelas L, Buttkereit U, Lindemann M, Koldehoff M, Klisanin V, Horn PA, Fleischhauer K, Dietrich W. Beelen DW (2017): αβ-T-cell depleted donor lymphocyte infusion for leukemia relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 52(12), 1668-1670. |
Lindemann M, Heinold A, Lenz V, Horn PA, Heinemann FM (2017): The flow cytometric crossmatch – a more sensitive prediction of transplant rejections. Transfus Med 7, 233–237. |
Zhu J, Yenga Z, Dolff S, Bienholz A, Lindemann M, Brinkhoff A, Schedlowski M, Xua S, Suna M, Guberina H, Kirchhof J, Kribben A, Witzke O, Wilde B (2017): Granzyme B producing B-cells in renal transplant patients. Clin Immunol 184, 48-53. |
Büchter M, Manka P, Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Juntermanns B, Canbay A, Gerken G, Kahraman A (2017): Outcome and genetic factors in IgG4-associated autoimmune pancreatitis and cholangitis – a single center experience. Gastroent Res Pract 6126707. doi: 10.1155/2017/6126707. |
Lindemann M, Zaslavskaya M, Fiedler M, Wilde B, Heinemann FM, Heinold A, Horn PA, Witzke O (2017): Humoral and cellular responses to a single dose of Fendrix in renal transplant recipients with non-response to conventional hepatitis B vaccination. Scand J Immunol 85(1), 51-57. |
Barsegian V, Müller SP, Möckel D, Horn PA, Bockisch A, Lindemann M (2017): Lymphocyte function following radium-223 therapy in patients with metastasized, castration resistant prostate cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 44(2), 242-246. |
Luckau S, Wehrs TP, Brandau S, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2016): Vaccination against human papilloma viruses leads to a favorable cytokine profile of specific T cells. J Immunother 39(8), 316-320. |
Zhao F, Lübcke S, Sucker A, Fatho M, Horn S, Heeke C, Bielefeld N, Lindemann M, Stiller M, Becker JC, Lennerz V, Schadendorf D, Griewank K, Wölfel T, Paschen A (2016): Melanoma lesions independently acquire T-cell resistance during metastatic latency. Cancer Res 76(15), 4347-4358. |
Lindemann M, Könemann J, Horn PA, Witzke O (2016): IL-17 ELISpot as predictor for kidney allograft rejection? Clin Lab 62(5), 963-965. |
Lindemann M, Fiedler M, Schumann A, Koldehoff M, Ottinger HD, Heinemann FM, Roggendorf M, Horn PA, Beelen DW (2016): Control of hepatitis B virus infection in hematopoietic stem cell recipients after receiving grafts from vaccinated donors. Bone Marrow Transplant 51(3), 428-431. |
Schumann A, Fiedler M, Beckebaum S, Cicinnati VR, Witzke O, Lenz V, Roggendorf M, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2015): Donor- and recipient-derived immunity in ABO incompatible living donor liver transplantation. Hum Immunol 76(9), 631-635. |
Koldehoff M, Lindemann M, Opalka B, Bauer S, Ross RR, Elmaagacli AH (2015): Cytomegalovirus induces apoptosis in acute leukemia cells as a virus-versus-leukemia function. Leuk Lymphoma 56(11), 3189-3197. |
Iacob S, Cicinnati VR, Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Radtke A, Kaiser G, Kabar I, Schmidt HHJ, Baba HA, Beckebaum S (2015): Donor specific anti-HLA antibodies and endothelial C4d deposition – association with chronic liver allograft failure. Transplantation 99(9), 1869-1875. |
Barsegian V, Hueben C, Mueller SP, Poeppel TD, Horn PA, Bockisch A, Lindemann M (2015): Impairment of lymphocyte function following Yttrium-90 DOTATOC therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother 64(6), 755-764. |
Seifert M, Przekopowitz M, Sarah Taudien S, Lollies A, Ronge V, Drees B, Lindemann M, Hillen U, Engler H, Singer BB, Kueppers R (2015): Functional capacities of human IgM memory B cells in early inflammatory responses and secondary germinal center reactions. P Natl Acad Sci USA 112(6), E546-55. |
Albring A, Laura Wendt L, Harz N, Engler H, Wilde B, Kribben A, Lindemann M, Schedlowski M, Witzke O (2015): Relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of calcineurin inhibitors in renal transplant patients. Clin Transplant 29(4), 294-300. |
Müller CR, Mytilineos J, Ottinger H, Arnold R, Bader P, Beelen D, Bornhäuser M, Dreger P, Eiermann T, Einsele H, Faé I, Fischer G, Füssel M, Holler E, Holzberger G, Horn PA, Kröger N, Lindemann M, Seidl C, Spriewald B, Süsal C, Blasczyk R, Finke J (2014): Deutscher Konsensus 2013 zur immungenetischen Spenderauswahl für die allogene Stammzelltransplantation. Transfusionsmedizin 4, 190-196. |
Lindemann M (2014): Ex vivo assessment of cellular immune function – applications in patient care and clinical studies. Tissue Antigens 84, 439-449. |
Krawczyk A, Ludwig C, Jochum C, Fiedler M, Heinemann FM, Shouval D, Roggendorf M, Roggendorf H, Lindemann M (2014): Induction of a robust T- and B-cell immune response in non- and low-responders to conventional vaccination against hepatitis B by using a third generation PreS/S vaccine. Vaccine 32, 5077-5082. |
Krawczyk A, Roggendorf H, Ludwig C, Herzer K, Gerken G, Horn PA, Roggendorf M, Lindemann M (2013): Therapeutic vaccination of a liver transplant recipient who suffered from fulminant hepatitis B during pregnancy. Liver Transplant 19, 1411-1412. 10.1002/lt.23751. |
Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Heinold A, Zaslavskaya M, Horn PA, Witzke O (2013): Pneumococcal antibodies in kidney transplant recipients are predictive of patient survival. Scand J Immunol 78, 554-556. |
Guberina H, Heinemann F, Heinold A, Lindemann M, Eisenberger U, Horn PA, Witzke O (2013): Blutgruppeninkompatible Lebendnierentransplantation einer Patientin mit Spender-spezifischen Antikörpern. Transfusionsmedizin 3, 191-195. |
Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Horn PA, Witzke O (2013): Vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae does not induce antibodies against HLA or MICA in clinically stable kidney transplant recipients. Human Immunol 74, 1267-1270. |
Pajtler KW, Rebmann V, Lindemann M, Schulte JM, Schulte S, Stauder M, Leuschner I, Schmid KW, Köhl U, Schramm A, Eggert A (2013): Expression of TrkA affects immunogenicity of neuroblastoma cells. Int J Cancer 133, 908-919. |
Roos M, Baumann M, Liu D, Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Türk T, Lutz J, Heemann U, Witzke O, von Eynatten M (2012): Low pre-transplant adiponectin multimers are associated with adverse allograft outcomes in kidney transplant recipients a 3-year prospective study. Regul Pept 178, 11-15. |
Iacob S, Beckebaum S, Dechêne A, Lindemann M, Ferencik S, Heinemann FM, Rebmann V, Sotiropoulos GC, Popescu I, Horn PA, Gerken G, Paul A, Cicinnati VR (2012): Genetic, immunological and clinical risk factors for biliary strictures following liver transplantation. Liver Int 32, 1253-1261. |
Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Horn PA, Witzke O (2012): Long-term response to vaccination against pneumococcal antigens in kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation 94, 1-7. |
Elmaagacli AH, Koldehoff M, Lindemann M, Sonius M, Ditschkowski M, Steckel N, Beelen DW (2012): Response: T cells are required for the CMV-induced antileukemia effect after transplant. Blood 119, 1090-1091. |
Esser S, Jablonka R, Heinemann FM, Reuter S, Jaeger H, Von Krosigk A, Schenk-Westkamp P, Schadendorf D, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2012): Detection of abacavir hypersensitivity by ELISpot method. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets 11, 227-234. |
Vennemann M, Loddenkötter B, Fracasso T, Mitchell EA, Debertin A, Larsch KP, Sperhake J, Brinkmann B, Sauerland C, Lindemann M, Bajanowski T (2012): Cytokines and sudden infant death. Int J Legal Med 126, 279-284. |
Barsegian V, Müller S, Horn PA, Bockisch A, Lindemann M (2011): Lymphocyte function following radioiodine therapy in patients with thyroid carcinoma. Nuclear Medicine 50, 195-203. |
Roos M, Heinemann FM, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Lutz J, Stock K, Thürmel K, Baumann M, Witzke O, Heemann U (2011): Fetuin-A pretransplant serum levels, kidney allograft function and rejection episodes: A 3-year posttransplantation follow-up. Kidney Blood Press Res 34, 328-333. |
Lindemann M, Saure C, Klinkenbusch H, Valentin-Gamazo C, Horn PA, Cicinnati VR, Beckebaum S, Witzke O (2011): Alloreactivity in recipients prior to and post living kidney and liver transplantation. Scand J Immunol 73, 344-345. |
Lindemann M, Heinemann FM, Horn PA, Witzke O (2010): Immunity to pneumococcal antigens in kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation 90, 1463-1467. |
Wild CA, Brandau S, Lindemann M, Hoffmann TK, Lang S, Bergmann C (2010): Toll-like receptors in regulatory T cells of patients with head and neck cancer. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 136, 1253-1259. |
Lindemann M, Nyadu B, Heinemann FM, Kribben A, Paul A, Horn PA, Witzke O (2010): High negative predictive value of an amplified flow cytometry crossmatch prior to living donor kidney transplantation. Hum Immunol 71, 771-776. |
Cicinnati VR, Hou J, Lindemann M, Horn PA, Sotiropoulos GC, Paul A, Gerken G, Beckebaum S (2009): Mycophenolic acid impedes the antigen presenting and lymph node homing capacities of human blood myeloid dendritic cells. Transplantation 88, 504-513. |
Cicinnati VR, Kang J, Hou J, Lindemann M, Koop K, Tueting T, Gerken G, Beckebaum S (2009): Interferon-alpha differentially affects homeostasis of human plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells. J Interf Cytok Res 29, 13-27. |
Schumann A, Lindemann M, Valentin-Gamazo C, Lu M, Elmaagacli A, Dahmen U, Knop D, Broelsch CE, Grosse-Wilde H, Roggendorf M, Fiedler M (2009): Adoptive immune transfer of hepatitis B virus specific immunity from immunized living liver donors to liver recipients. Transplantation 87, 103-111. |
Lindemann M, Dioury Y, Beckebaum S, Cicinnati VR, Gerken G, Broelsch CE, Wrighton-Smith P, Grosse-Wilde H (2009): Tuberculosis immunity in patients awaiting liver transplantation. Hum Immunol 70, 24-28. |
Lindemann M, Rietschel F, Zabel M, Grosse-Wilde H (2008): Detection of chromium allergy by cellular in vitro methods. Clin Exp Allergy 38, 1468-1475. |
Editorial: Traidl-Hoffmann C, Ring J (2008): Is there an in vitro test for type IV allergy discriminating between sensitization and allergic disease? This editorial discusses the findings of the paper in this issue by Lindemann et al. Clin Exp Allergy 38, 1412-1415. |
Barsegian V, Mathias KD, Wrighton-Smith P, Grosse-Wilde H, Lindemann M (2008): Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in German radiologists. J Hosp Infect 69, 69-76. |
Schumann A, Fiedler M, Dahmen U, Grosse-Wilde H, Roggendorf M, Lindemann M (2007): Cellular and humoral immune response to a third generation hepatitis B vaccine. J Viral Hepatitis 14, 592-598. |
Kumar M, Putzki N, Limmroth V, Remus R, Lindemann M, Knop D, Mueller N, Hardt C, Kreuzfelder E, Grosse-Wilde H (2006): CD4+CD25+ FoxP3+ T lymphocytes fail to suppress myelin basic protein-induced proliferation in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol 180, 178-184. |
Lindemann M, Ottinger HD, Elmaagacli AH, Trenschel R, Rebmann V, Beelen DW, Grosse-Wilde H (2006): Donor cell reactions towards OKT3 predict chronic graft-versus-host disease in hematopoietic stem cell recipients. Exp Hematol 34, 1753-1758. |
Schütt P, Brandhorst D, Stellberg W, Poser M, Ebeling P, Müller S, Buttkereit B, Opalka B, Lindemann M, Grosse-Wilde H, Seeber S, Moritz T, Nowrousian MR (2006): Immune parameters in multiple myeloma patients: Influence of treatment and correlation with opportunistic infections. Leuk Lymphoma 47, 1570-1582. |
Lindemann M, Witzke O, Lütkes P, Fiedler M, Kreuzfelder E, Philipp T, Roggendorf M, Grosse-Wilde H (2006): ELISpot assay as a sensitive tool to detect cellular immunity following influenza vaccination in kidney transplant recipients. Clin Immunol 120, 324-328. |
Schuett P, Buttkereit U, Brandhorst D, Lindemann M, Schmiedl S, Grosse-Wilde H, Seeber S, Nowrousian MR, Opalka B, Moritz T (2005): In vitro dendritic cell generation and lymphocyte subsets in myeloma patients: influence of thalidomide and high-dose chemotherapy treatment. Cancer Immunol Immunother 54, 506-512. |
Lindemann M, Schuett P, Moritz T, Ottinger HD, Opalka B, Seeber S, Nowrousian MR, Grosse-Wilde H (2005): Cellular in vitro immune function in multiple myeloma patients after high dose chemotherapy and autologous peripheral stem cell transplantation. Leukemia 19, 490-492. |
Lindemann M, Ottinger HD, Peceny R, Beelen DW, Grosse-Wilde H (2005): G-CSF-induced alteration of in-vitro alloreactivity in stem cell donors is predictive for the occurrence of acute GvHD in recipients. Transplantation 79, 377-378. |
Lindemann M, Rebmann V, Ottinger HD, Schmolke K, Kreuzfelder E, Grosse-Wilde H (2004): rhG-CSF effect on mixed lymphocyte cultures and circulating soluble HLA antigen levels in volunteer stem cell donors. Exp Hematol 32, 1103-1109. |
Ottinger HD, Ferencik S, Beelen DW, Lindemann M, Peceny R, Elmaagacli AH, Grosse-Wilde H (2004): Impact of high resolution HLA-A, B, C typing for outcome after unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in adults with leukemia. Transplantation 78, 1077-1080. |
Lindemann M, Witzke O, Winterhagen T, Ross B, Kreuzfelder E, Reinhardt W, Roggendorf M, Mann K, Philipp T, Grosse-Wilde H (2004): T cell function after IL-2 therapy in HIV-infected patients is correlated with serum cortisol concentrations. AIDS 18, 2001-2007. |
Witzke O, Patschan D, Dürig J, Lindemann M, Wenzel RR, Philipp T, Grosse-Wilde H, Kribben A (2004): A patient without monocytes who had a pulmonary renal syndrome. Am J Kidney Dis 44, 556-558. |
Ugurel S, Lindemann M, Grosse-Wilde H, Schadendorf D (2004): Altered surface expression patterns of circulating monocytes in cancer patients: impaired capacity of T cell stimulation? Cancer Immunol Immunother 53, 1051. |
Rebmann V, Busemann A, Lindemann M, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): Detection of HLA-G5 secreting cells. Human Immunol 64, 1017-1024. |
Müller A, Kreuzfelder E, Nyadu B, Lindemann M, Rebmann V, Majetschak M, Obertacke U, Schade UF, Nast-Kolb D, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): HLA-DR expression influenced by sera of injured patients prone to severe sepsis. Intensive Care Med 29, 2285-2290. |
Ottinger HD, Ferencik S, Beelen DW, Lindemann M, Peceny R, Elmaagacli AH, Hüsing J, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: contrasting the outcome of transplantations from HLA-identical siblings, partially HLA-mismatched related and HLA-matched unrelated donors. Blood 102, 1131-1137. |
Lindemann M, Böhmer J, Zabel M, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): ELISpot: a new tool for the detection of nickel sensitization. Clin Exp Allergy 33, 992-998. |
Lindemann M, Barsegian V, Runde V, Fiedler M, Heermann KH, Schaefer UW, Roggendorf M, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): Transfer of humoral and cellular hepatitis B immunity by allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Transplantation 75, 833-838. |
Kröger K, Lindemann M, Kreuzfelder E, Bröcker M, Santosa F, Grosse-Wilde H (2003): Effect of atorvastatin and clopidogrel on cellular immune function. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 68, 251-255. |
Lindemann M, Barsegian V, Siffert W, Ferencik S, Roggendorf M, Grosse-Wilde H (2002): Role of G protein beta 3 subunit C825T and HLA class II polymorphisms in the immune response after HBV vaccination. Virology 297, 245-252. |
Lindemann M, Virchow S, Ramann F, Barsegian V, Kreuzfelder E, Siffert W, Müller N, Grosse-Wilde H (2001): The G protein beta 3 subunit 825T allele is a genetic marker for enhanced T cell response. FEBS Lett 495, 82-86. |
Ottinger HD, Müller CR, Goldmann SF, Albert E, Arnold R, Beelen DW, Blasczyk R, Bunjes D, Casper J, Ebell W, Ehninger G, Eiermann T, Einsele H, Fauser A, Ferencik S, Finke J, Hertenstein B, Kolbe K, Heyll A, Lenartz E, Klingebiel T, Knipper A, Kremens B, Kolb HJ, Lindemann M, Müller CA, Mytilineos J, Niederwieser D, Runde V, Sayer H, Schaefer UW, Schmitz N, Schröder S, Schulze-Rath R, Schwerdtfeger R, Siegert W, Thiele B, Zander AR, Grosse-Wilde H (2001): Second German consensus on immunogenetic donor search for allotransplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Ann Hematol 80, 706-714. |
Belka C, Ottinger H, Kreuzfelder E, Weinmann M, Lindemann M, Lepple-Wienhues A, Budach W, Grosse-Wilde H, Bamberg M (1999): Impact of localized radiotherapy on blood immune cells counts and function in humans. Radiother Oncol 50, 199-204. |
Weber F, Lindemann M, Erbel R, Philipp T (1999): Indirect and direct simultaneous, comparative blood pressure measurements with the Bosotron 2 device. Kidney Blood Press Res 22, 166-171. |
Gallagher G, Lindemann M, Oh HH, Ferencik S, Walz MK, Schmitz A, Richards S, Eskdale J, Field M, Grosse-Wilde H (1997): Association of the TNFa2 microsatellite allele with the presence of colorectal cancer. Tissue Antigens 50, 47-51. |
Ferencik S, Lindemann M, Horsthemke B, Grosse-Wilde H (1992): A new restriction fragment length polymorphism of the human TNF-B gene detected by AspHI digest. Eur J Immunogenet 19, 425-430. |
Lindemann M, Horn PA, Beelen DW (2012): Zurück ins Leben – Wie sich das Immunsystem nach einer Blutstammzelltransplantation erholt. In: A. Eggert (Hrsg.): Translationale Krebsforschung – Auf dem Weg zu neuen Therapien. Essener Unikate, Wissenschaftsverlag FET & V, 42: 60-68. (ISBN 978-3-934359-42-0).
Lindemann M (2012): Determination of nickel and chromium allergy, sensitization, and toxicity by cellular in vitro methods. In: K.-P. Wilhelm, H. Zhai, H.I. Maibach (Eds.): Dermatotoxicology, 8th edition, S. Karger AG, Basel, 322-334 (eBook ISBN 9781841848570, ISBN 9781841848556).
Esser S, von Krosigk A, Jäger H, Reuter S, Jablonka R, Heinemann F, Horn P, Lindemann M (2010): Detektion der Abacavir-Hypersensitivität mittels ELLISpot-Methode. In: Hoffmann/Jäger (Ed.): HIV/AIDS besiegen: Visionen der Heilung; AIDS und HIV-Infektionen in Klinik und Praxis, Monographiereihe, Verlag Wiley-Blackwell, Berlin, 13: 9.
Müller KD, Schmid EN, Lindemann M, Müller G, Mosel F, Rettenmeier AW, Michel R (2010): KC 5/2, an unusual endocytobiont of acanthamoebae and monocytic cells. Abstractband 2010, BIOSpektrum, Chefredakteur: C. Schreiber, Editoren: B. Trageser, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, S. 101, FTP20.
Schumann A, Lindemann M, Fiedler M (2009): Transfer der Hepatitis-B-Immunität durch Leber-Lebend-Transplantation. In: Selbsthilfe Lebertransplantierter Deutschland e.V. (Ed.): Hepatologie. Lebenslinien, 1: 15-16.
Heinemann FM, Nyadu B, Kribben A, Paul A, Witzke O, Horn PA, Lindemann M (2009): Predictive value of the flow cytometry cross-match in living kidney transplantation. In: P.I. Terasaki (Ed.): Visuals of the 10th European Clinical Histocompatibility Workshop, Evian-les-Bains, France. One Lambda, Inc.: 10-11.
Lindemann M, Schumann A, Fiedler M (2006): Immuntransfer durch Transplantation. In: Rektorat der Universität Duisburg-Essen (Ed.): Immunologie. Essener Unikate, Wissenschaftsverlag FET & V, 27: 74-81.
Thomson M, Barmada M, Bois M, Borelli I, Breda-Coimbra H, Cambon-Thomson A, Carpenter C, Carrington M, Chiewsilp P, Christiansen F, D’Alfonso S, Dawkins R, Ferencik S, Foissac A, Gihart M, Gonzalez-Escribano M, Holdworth R, Ikäheimo I, Klitz W, Lindemann M, Martinetti M, Moine A, Moraes E-M, Rebmann V, Sevin A, Siren M-K, Smeckpeper B (1997): MHC recombinant families. In: D. Charron (Ed.): Genetic diversity of HLA – Functional and medical implications. Sevres, EDK International Publishers, 1: 188-195.